
Is Newt really the man for the GOP?

Has it really come to this for the Republicans? Gingrich is their man? To me, he is the founding father of today’s snarling attack dog who will say anything — factual truth is optional in politics.

I know many disagree and say that he is a man of big ideas and a heavy intellectual force fit to be president. I don’t see it.

On Nov. 21, Newt said that child labor laws are “truly stupid,” and that “most of these schools ought to get rid of the unionized janitors, have one master janitor and pay local students to take care of the school.”

It occurs to me that the unionized janitors he refers to have families to feed. That does not seem to be part of Newt’s calculus. I guess “big ideas” and “truly stupid” are in the eye of the beholder.

Alfred Y. Kirkland Jr.
