
Incredible Technologies growing in Arlington Heights

An interview with Elaine Hodgson, co-owner of Incredible Technologies.

Q: Describe your business. What do you do?

A: We design, manufacture, market and sell location based video entertainment for bars and restaurants. Our biggest hit is Golden Tee Golf. Now we also design, manufacture, market and sell video slot machines coming to casinos near you.

Q: What made you start your business?

A: The company my partner and I were working for lost a big contract and stopped paying their employees. We decided we could do better.

Q: What has been the most difficult obstacle in running or starting a small business?

A: Finding and keeping good people.

Q: What do you enjoy most about operating your business?

A: Working with a talented dedicated team to build great products and solve problems.

Q: Is this what you pictured yourself doing when you were young? When you were young, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A: No. I wanted to be a veterinarian.

Q: What keeps you up at night?

A: How to invest our resources correctly to maximize our success.

Q: If you could give one tip to a rookie business owner, what would it be?

A: Do something special and charge what you are worth.

-Kim Mikus

Ÿ Every week we feature a local suburban business. We want to hear about yours. Contact business writer Kim Mikus at

Incredible Technologies Inc.

Address: 3333 N. Kennicott Avenue, Arlington Heights, IL 60004

Owners: Elaine A. Hodgson & Richard A. Ditton

Year business started: 1985

Web address:

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