
‘Conchords’ star adds even more to Muppets soundtrack

Various Artists, “The Muppets Original Soundtrack” (Walt Disney Records)

Welcome back, Muppets. It’s like they never left.

On the original soundtrack to their latest film, “The Muppets,” the producers are wise to include some of the most beloved songs from the Muppets’ past in addition to wonderful new additions, including four written by Bret McKenzie, creator and co-star of “Flight of the Conchords.”

Is “Rainbow Connection” included? Check. “Mah Na Mah Na”? That’s there, too.

But it’s not just a trip down memory lane. The new songs by McKenzie shine on their own, especially “Man or Muppet.”

The soundtrack will appeal both to the middle-aged who grew up with the original Muppets, who hit the silver screen for the first time in 1979, as well as youngsters who are experiencing the Jim Henson creations and their songs for the first time.

Plus, how can you not like the chutzpah of a bunch of Muppets covering Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit”?

Check this out: A bunch of Muppet chickens clucking their way through Cee Lo Green’s “Forget You” is not only hilarious, it also makes sense in the way that only Muppet chickens clucking their way through a cover of Cee Lo Green’s “Forget You” can. Love it.

— Associated Press

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