
DuPage County honors generations of veterans

Generations of veterans were honored Sunday during a Veterans Day Observance at the DuPage County Convalescent Center in Wheaton.

Dirk Enger, director of Veterans Memorial, Inc. and a member of the DuPage County Board, said the event is a way to show veterans the appreciation they may not have received when they returned home.

“It is a small way of saying thanks to the generation that gave us what we have today and who continue to give,” said Enger, a Marine who served in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm.

With just one known surviving World War I veteran remaining in Britain, Enger noted that a generation of veterans soon will be lost.

“It is sad in a way that it is only one day to recognize our veterans,” Enger said. “But like my dad said, as sure as you go to church on Sunday, you can come out on this one day to honor the generation that gave us our freedom.”

About 60 people attended the event, which included a weapons salute by the DuPage County Marine Corps League Detachment 399.

World War II veteran Bob Sutherland of Elmhurst also shared his experiences as a mess sergeant in the European Theatre.

“I remember the teamwork,” Sutherland said. “It took not only the service branches on the front lines, but also the homefront. We all worked together.” Olga Dachiw, a 92-year-old resident of the center, attended the event Sunday to pay respects to her brother, Steve Wojtowycz, a member of the Fourth Marine Division.

“He was wounded but survived and I remember his stories,” said Dachiw, who has lived at the center for almost two years. “He was at Iwo Jima when they raised the flag. I will never forget that.”

  World War II Marine veteran Helen Ehlers attended the 2011 Veterans Day ceremony Sunday at the DuPage County Convalescent Center in Wheaton. Mark Black/
  Don Kenyon and Roger Gaden, of the Marine Corps League Detachment 399, post the colors Sunday during the Veterans Day ceremony at the DuPage County Convalescent Center in Wheaton. Mark Black/
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