
Free market system guards against fraud

This is in response to Froma Harrop’s op-ed: “Why we need more government in health care.”

Ms. Harrop states that home-based services to Medicare are bilking the government big time. Her solution is to add more government to this flawed system. This makes no sense.

In a voucher system, where people would be able to shop for their own care, the profit motive would provide incentive against fraud. The insurance company would not want to pay out on fraudulent claims and would take steps to eliminate them. Government paying claims has no incentive to do so.

Also, when people purchase their own insurance, they can “vote with their feet” and go to another company if they feel they are not getting the service they desire. Especially in this Internet age where information is easy to come by. This is also not possible in the government-pays-all system.

The customer-provider-insurer true free market system provides the checks and balances necessary for fairness to all. Government can just tax or, worse yet, borrow from our grandchildren to make up any shortfalls with no incentives to cut costs such as fraudulent claims.

David N. Brown

Villa Park

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