
Carmel Catholic named Illinois Democracy School

The Illinois Civic Mission Coalition, in partnership with the DuPage County Regional Office of Education and the Robert R. McCormick Foundation, recently named Carmel Catholic High School an Illinois Democracy School.

Carmel is one of 11 schools in Illinois to earn the title of “Democracy School” since 2006.

According to the Robert R. McCormick Foundation, Illinois Democracy Schools are accredited high schools that provide students with numerous opportunities to participate in the democratic process through a range of classes and clubs.

From class discussion on current issues and democratic simulations to extracurricular and service learning opportunities, students are able to experience firsthand the critical role they can play in shaping their government and society.

Social studies faculty member Sharon Smogor led the application process, forming a team of faculty members and administrators to complete a schoolwide assessment of civic learning across Carmel’s curriculum.

The review focused on citizen development, including formal instruction in U.S. government, history, law and democracy; structured engagement with current and controversial issues; service learning linked to formal curriculum and classroom instruction; extracurricular activities that encourage greater connection to school and community; authentic opportunities for student leadership and decision-making; and participation in simulations of democratic structures and processes.

“Civic education is a part of our school’s mission statement. We incorporate civic education at Carmel every day, so we thought it would make sense to go through the process of applying for Democracy School recognition,” Smogor said. “Civic education extends beyond the classroom and into many aspects of life here at Carmel.”

As a Democracy School, Carmel Catholic High School must continue to focus on understanding how the principles of our constitutional government apply in real life situations.

“I am proud of this recognition because our success is a reflection of the faculty’s commitment to provide a foundation that calls our students to live lives reflecting both religious and civic values,” said Principal Lynne Strutzel.