
A.G. Holder should resign

President Obama,

On Attorney General Holder’s watch, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives launched Operation Fast and Furious, an illegal pipeline of thousands of arms to Mexican drug cartels. Two of the guns that were allowed to “walk” across our border were found at the murder scene of a U.S. Border Patrol agent. Attorney General Holder’s Justice Department is now stonewalling a Congressional investigation into Operation Fast and Furious. Attorney General Holder professed his ignorance of the operation.

In light of these statements, he is either incompetent or covering up crimes that were committed to advance the Obama administration’s gun control agenda. Through his actions, Attorney General Holder has demonstrated that he cannot be trusted with the powers of his office, the law enforcement agencies he commands, or the lives of federal agents. Therefore, I hereby call for his immediate and unconditional removal from office. If you, too are complicit in this incompetence and cover-up you yourself, must do the honorable thing and resign.

Victor LaPorte
