
More cheap shots against tea party

The tea party movement is getting a share of cheap shots. One was recently published in your Sept. 6 edition, indicating that parading members of the Naperville Tea Party were using the Naperville Labor Day (Last Fling) Parade to oppose abortion rights.

If such a protest action occurred it would have been in violation of parade rules that do not allow turning the parade into a protest rally. I do not believe the reported protest activity actually took place. First, the parade rules were well understood by all participants: no protest signs; no written messages on clothing, and no protesting. Second, local tea party events in this area are self-regulated to avoid controversial actions, such as violating parade rules or pushing personal agendas not in keeping with tea party principles.

Third, in discussions among numbers of actual paraders, no such protesting took place. You publish these thinly supported negative comments at your peril because they indicate a lack of comprehensive understanding and appreciation of the truth and the principles that bind advocates of the tea party movement.

Our movement has and will make mistakes. That is unavoidable. But, let’s get this discussion on a higher plane so all might be better served by intelligent and truthful observations and evaluations.

Peter Wohld

Glen Ellyn