
Village of Lombard Community Blood Drive Helps Students Reach “Donor For Life” Status

This new program will honor students with a red honor cord to wear during graduation activities. To receive this “Donor For Life” status, students must donate blood six times before their high school graduation to achieve a red honor cord.

The program requires no registration, only that students give blood at any Heartland Blood Center location or blood drive.

To help students get started in their quest for “Donor For Life” status, the Village of Lombard's next community blood drive on September 14 is both close and convenient. The blood drive will be held at two locations: Yorktown Center from 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. and Village Hall from 1:30-7 p.m. Students may walk-in to donate blood or reserve an appointment time by calling (630) 620-5712. All blood donors are required to present a photo I.D. to donate blood and will receive a commemorative September 11 t-shirt and a coupon for free Culver's ice cream. Donors will also be entered into a drawing to win one of several Yorktown Center gift cards.

Students aged 16 must provide a permission slip signed by a parent or guardian to donate blood. Permission slips and a donor qualification guide may be found at

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