
Winergy Drive Systems donates school supplies for needy kids

As it became clear that summer was coming to an end, Lynne Kennedy from Open Door Clinic in Elgin realized that before long it was going to be time for the kids to go back to school.

With that in mind Lynne put the Back To School Program on the event page of the Elgin Area Chamber of Commerce.

Within days a phone call came from Toni Henry with Winergy Drive Systems Corporation here in Elgin.

Toni, on behalf of the Elgin Caring Hands Committee, wanted to meet with Lynne to discuss the Back To School Program.

During that meeting Lynne told Toni about the approximately 102 children Open Door Clinic had that were infected/affected by HIV/AIDS. “Many of our children have one or both parents infected with HIV/AIDS and live 300% below the poverty level”. “Our children's small voices are rarely heard because of the stigma that still surrounds HIV/AIDS”.

“These parents required help providing the school supplies that their children needed,” Lynne said.

Toni Henry heard those small voices and immediately said, “We would like to help”.

With those words came a partnership that created a miracle. All our children were given backpacks filled with their school supplies, thanks to all of the employees with Winergy Drive Systems Corporation and Siemens Drive Technology. All the Open Door Clinic staff, board members and parents would like to say, “Thank you for caring about our children and hearing their voices.”

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