
Consider effects of slots at racetrack

Knowing now how the Des Plaines casino works, it gives us a better idea of the impact of a mini casino at Arlington Park. Remember, the proposal for Arlington Park includes both video gambling and slot machines — indeed, a mini casino — with expanded drinking hours. The Des Plaines casino closes at 7 a.m. and reopens at 9 a.m. Liquor is served from 9:30 a.m. to 4 a.m. Close your eyes and picture that. After drinking all day and angry at losing all their money, the casino patrons then get in their cars to drive the same roads as you and your family.

The Des Plaines police already have arrested their first “highly intoxicated” motorist leaving their casino. What about the ones who didn’t get arrested?

Remember, also, that pending legislation dictates that Arlington Park must give one-third of the casino revenue to the Des Plaines casino to make up for its lost revenue. This does not paint a pretty picture for Arlington Heights and the other communities surrounding Arlington Park. And I certainly do not consider this “progress.”

Contact the governor’s office. Oppose Arlington Park’s slot machines, video gambling, expanded drinking hours and revenue sharing with Des Plaines.

Wayne H. Wagner

Arlington Heights