
Repeat after me, Rahm: SHI CAW GO

I am a native Chicagoan. Born and grew up on the West Side and educated in the city from grade school to my el train campus. Like many native Chicagoans, I moved out of my city and migrated to the burbs where I still live, but Chicago will always be base camp to me.

Native Chicagoans know their city. Most of all, we know how to pronounce its name correctly. As Da Mayors Daley, the elder as well as the son, pronounced it, it is SHI CAW GO, not CAH but CAW

This particularly applies to Da New Mayor, who was born and grew up in the Northern Burbs, and does not know how to pronounce the name of this great city properly. And it’s not only the new kid on campus, but it also applies to a lot of the news commentators, those making commercials about our city and especially those who profess to be native Chicagoans.

What would Richard J. say about dat?

Please. Get it right, Dude, as they would say in California. This is SHI CAW GO, so if you wish to be one of Da Natives, just pronounce it correctly. Otherwise, there is a very good chance that we natives may get offended and then restive, especially this one.

Jerry Marchese
