
Naperville VFW rallies support for troops with car show

More than 35 years after the Vietnam War, some veterans remain determined to ensure that returning soldiers come home to parades, not protests.

“One of the things we, as Vietnam veterans, said is that we will never let another generation be treated the way we were treated,” said Mike Barbour, a past commander of the Judd Kendall VFW post in Naperville.

The Cruising for a Cause Car Show, held from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, July 30, will be the first fundraising event of its kind hosted by the Naperville VFW, attempting to reinforce members’ mission.

All proceeds from the car show will benefit the Wounded Warrior Project and the UDT-SEAL Museum. Wounded Warrior is a nonprofit organization that provides rehabilitation and aid to members of the military returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. The group also works to ensure that no soldier is forgotten. The UDT-SEAL Museum, located in Fort Pierce, Fla., is dedicated to preserving the heritage and legacy of the Navy SEALS.

Antique car owners wishing to display their vintage rides will be charged $10, though there will be no registration before Saturday’s event in case of inclimate weather.

Barbour hopes to have a showing of between 75 and 100 cars.

“Let’s just start big and go bigger,” Barbour said. “What the heck.”

Seven years ago, Barbour helped organize the Cruisin’ for the Troops car show in conjunction with Lisle-based organization Operation Support Our Troops-America.

The fundraiser subsequently grew into the wildly popular Rockin’ for the Troops concert event held mid-July in Cantigny Park that featured actor Gary Sinise’s Lt. Dan Band.

It was Naperville VFW member Kag Cagnoni’s idea to resurrect the car show this year.

“The summer is a perfect time to show off your vehicle,” said Cagnoni, a Navy SEAL Team Commander.

Local businesses, including Anderson’s Bookshop and Naper Nuts and Sweets, have donated their products and services to the event, along with official sponsor Naperville Chevrolet.

“These are the people that have very small businesses but gave quite a bit,” said Cagnoni, one of the car show’s organizers. “I’m very humbled by what they gave.”

Auto enthusiasts may also enjoy food vendors, raffle prizes and event T-shirt sales for a good cause.

“It’s something to draw the public in,” Cagnoni said. “People love cars.”

On Saturday, July 30 vintage cars once again will return to Naperville’s Judd Kendall VFW Post. The Cruising for a Cause car show will be open to the public from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. with all proceeds benefiting the Wounded Warrior Project and the UDT-SEAL Museum. Daily Herald file photo

Cruising for a Cause Car Show

<B>When: </B>8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, July 30

<B>Where:</B> Judd Kendall VFW Post 3873, 908 W. Jackson in Naperville

<B>Cost:</B> Free, donations welcome

<B>Info:</B> (630) 420-9820