
Grayslake Dist. 46 board ponders 'adopt-a-school' program

Grayslake Elementary District 46 board members are considering a proposal for the elected officials to be assigned a school they would visit periodically in an effort to build relationships.New board member Shannon Smigielski has pushed the #8220;adopt-a-school#8221; concept since she started in May. District 46 board President Ray Millington said further discussion will occur before a decision is made.Adopt-a-school programs are in place elsewhere, such as Naperville Unit District 203. Board members at the 22-building district are assigned three or four schools where they are expected to develop personal relationships.District 46 has seven schools. Speaking at a recent board meeting, Smigielski said all seven board members would be assigned a building as a way to see students and employees affected by the elected officials' decisions.Smigielski said the visits could entail a Parent Teacher Organization meeting or a school's band performance.#8220;For me, it's more about appreciation of the staff and showing our appreciation to them,#8221; she said. #8220;As we know, that's something they have categorically said is not there, and I think we have an obligation to do that.#8221;But District 46 board member Karen Weinert questioned the merits of having elected officials attached to a school. She said she bounced the idea off a couple of retired principals.#8220;One retired principal said he would cringe if a board member were to adopt a school,#8221; Weinert said. #8220;As a board member, honestly, the feeling I get is that the principals would not necessarily be in favor of this.#8221;Board member Keith Surroz said the intent of the adopt-a-school program is good, but he'd prefer to hear from building leaders on what they think would be beneficial.At Naperville District 203, the adopt-a-school program has been around for at least 10 years, spokeswoman Susan Rice said. Board members do everything from attend special events to visit classrooms while school's in session.#8220;We're blessed to have a number of board members who are flexible in their schedules,#8221; Rice said.Through the adopt-a-school program, District 203 board members have become a resource to parents who see them at their children's buildings, Rice said. She said the elected officials wind up with more of a connection to the schools.School assignments are rotated annually among District 203's board members. They aren't given buildings where their children have classes.

Karen Weinert
Keith Surroz