
GOP is unreasonable in deficit solution

I believe President Obama has offered a balanced and fair proposal to reduce the deficit. He takes on his Democratic Party by proposing spending cuts that primarily affect the middle class and he takes on the Republican Party in proposing changes to the tax code.

These changes would not extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy — those making more than $250,000 per year — and they would close tax loopholes and subsidies that allow some corporations to pay no taxes at all and many others to pay taxes at a rate less than the average middle class taxpayer.

Cutting spending and increasing tax revenue would go a long way toward reducing the deficit; however, the Republicans are not open to any tax changes that would affect their wealthy corporate and individual contributors. They state that increasing taxes would adversely affect investments and work to cut jobs.

Ten years ago, they stated that their tax cuts would increase investments and create jobs. I think there are many individuals still looking for this scenario to play out.

Reducing the deficit is essential but it needs to be done on a fair basis. I feel the Republicans are unreasonable in their demands. They push very hard to represent the interest of the wealthy, the few, and neglect the middle class and poor, the many.

Ron Fuchs

St. Charles