
Judge: Unseal Mumbai terror trial documents

A federal judge in Chicago says dozens of sealed court papers from a recent terrorism-related trial that captured worldwide headlines can be released.

Judge Harry Leinenweber's ruling Tuesday comes a month after a jury cleared Chicago businessman Tahawwur Rana. A federal judge in Chicago says dozens of sealed court papers from a recent terrorism-related trial that captured worldwide headlines can be released. of involvement in a deadly 2008 siege in Mumbai, India.

The Pakistani-born Canadian was convicted of lesser charges, including providing material support to the Pakistani militant group blamed in those attacks.

The judge granted a government motion to promptly release 26 documents and four others after sensitive sections are blackened out; 39 other papers related to legal fees and similar matters will remain sealed.

Defense attorney Patrick Blegen told reporters the soon-to-be released documents won't provide much new detail not already made public.

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