
City's Accessibility Coordinator Becomes Certified ADA Coordinator

Accessibility Coordinator Marita Manning One of Seven People in the Country to Receive this Certification

The City of Naperville is proud to announce that Marita Manning, the City's Accessibility Coordinator, has been named a Certified Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator. This certification is the first of its kind in the nation and is issued through the University of Missouri School of Health Professions Disability Studies and Policy Center. At this time, Manning is one of only seven people in the United States who has successfully completed this new program, and she is currently the only recipient from Illinois.

“I am so proud of Marita and her accomplishment in being named a Certified ADA Coordinator,” Mayor A. George Pradel said. “Naperville is a City that strives to be as inclusive as possible to all individuals of all abilities. Marita's knowledge in the area of ADA will make our departments, policies, programs and services even more accessible so everyone in our community can share in the rich culture and heritage of City life. Naperville is fortunate to have someone with Marita's level of expertise on staff.”

The ADA Coordinator Training Certification Program was developed in response to a need for both quality training on the ADA and a mechanism to verify completed training and depth of knowledge base on ADA issues. The ADA Coordinator Training Certification program addresses these issues by identifying specific training content, quality sources of training, verifying completion of training credits and training topics and providing an examination to demonstrate mastery of content.

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