
Glen Ellyn Bookfest attracts local authors, readers

Never claim to have written the next Harry Potter, but make sure to relate your book to works everyone knows.

Be creative and informative but not bizarre.

Don't tell people your book is funny, rather make them laugh.

These are just some of the tidbits of advice offered to up-and-coming authors thinking of taking part in Pitchfest, one of many events in Glen Ellyn's second annual Bookfest Saturday, June 18.

The objective of Pitchfest?

Think of it like speed dating for authors and book lovers. Authors have 60 seconds to persuade a room full of people to buy their books.

Pitchfest, hosted by the Chicago group Author! Author! aims to give local authors a larger platform to promote their work.

“It can be a neat experience for someone who has recently written a book that maybe not a lot of people know about yet,” Glen Ellyn Library Director Dawn Bussey said.

Authors interested in participating will be given stage time on a first-come, first-served basis from 1:30 to 2 p.m. at the Glen Ellyn Public Library.

The festival boasts a day packed with award-winning speakers and unique programs, all centered on a mutual love of literature. Authors speak about their books, their genres, the writing process, their interests and causes in a variety of businesses throughout downtown Glen Ellyn.

“We all love books and we all love downtown Glen Ellyn,” Bussey said of the collaboration between the library; The Bookstore, 475 N. Main St.; and Bundles of Books, 560 Crescent Blvd., in planning the event.

“So we thought we could combine the two and bring people into the community to celebrate books.”

Of the most anticipated appearances at this year's event is Maria Doria Russell, a New York Times best-selling author and a longtime Lombard resident. Russell will be the 2011 Bookfest keynote speaker, a program Bussey anticipates will draw close to 120 book lovers.

“When we listened to her speak, we laughed so hard we felt like we were watching a stand-up comedian,” said Margie White, a bookseller at the Bookstore, of the first time she heard Russell talk last October.

“Adding that speaking talent to her writing talent, it's like she's our rock star.”

Russell's keynote address, 2 to 3:30 p.m. at the Glen Ellyn Public Library, will be free although those wishing to attend must register online at or by phone at (630) 469-0879.

“It really attracts people from outside of Glen Ellyn to come see our downtown and all of the different, wonderful things it offers,” Glen Ellyn Downtown Alliance Director Carol White said.

Learning from last year's inaugural event, Bookfest organizers have made some changes in the hopes of drawing even more literature fans.

“This year we tried to focus on the quality of the programs,” Bussey said, “and bringing in authors we thought our community would really enjoy based upon the reading habits we see here at the library and the purchasing habits they see at the bookstores.”

Along with discussion panels and author meet-and-greets, the Glen Ellyn Public Library also has organized events for children and teens. The Balloon Critters for Cards program, from 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., will reward children who bring in a library card or sign up for a new card of their own with a unique balloon creation.

There will also be a Tator Tots for Teens event from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Tap House Grill, where teens are invited to chat with young adult author James Kennedy over tator tots and soda.

Though admission to most events is free, individuals are encouraged to purchase the authors' works following their presentations.

An Adult Literacy Luncheon, costing $15, begins at 1 p.m. at the Glen Oak Restaurant, 479 Pennsylvania, with a panel of authors including Luis Urrea, Cristina Henriquez, Sarah McCoy and Brigid Pasulka. Tickets can be purchased online or at The Bookstore.

Keeping with the literature-themed lunch, the chef at the Glen Oak Restaurant has researched a menu that corresponds to each of the four works being discussed that afternoon.

“It's just a rare opportunity for Glen Ellyn readers to get behind the written word and meet authors in a very friendly setting,” Margie White said.

If you go

If you go

What: Glen Ellyn Bookfest

When: 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday, June 18

Where: Glen Ellyn Public Library, 400 Duane St., and downtown Glen Ellyn

Cost: Free admission; $15 for Adult Literacy Luncheon at Glen Oak Restaurant, 479 Pennsylvania
