
Who are role models for your teens?

After reading the Daily Herald’s Opinion article on May 23, “Parents must say ‘no’ to teen drinking,” it seems that more needs to be done than just telling teens not to drink.

While we may have some control when our kids are with us, we must earn their trust and instill it in them. By doing this, we allow them to responsibly enter the world of adulthood where they hopefully will make wise choices even when they are not with us.

Just telling our kids not to do something often presents a challenge for them to do it. I feel the best way to get any message to our kids is by example. A picture is worth a thousand words.

We often think of professional athletes and celebrities as role models for our kids, but the most important role models should be mom and dad as well as other adults who can influence our kids.

While alcohol may be used to celebrate happy occasions, more often than not it brings tragedy and heartache into our lives. Families, such as those mentioned in the article or the ones we hear about in the news, have been met with irreversible tragedy and a lifetime of heartache. After the fact, it’s too late. It must be stopped before a tragedy occurs.

I have seven grandchildren, three of whom are teens. I am thankful that none of them has engaged in any alcohol activity, which may partially be attributed to the fact that their mom and dad do not use alcohol and have built trust into their kids’ lives. They truly are role models for their kids. Who are the role models for your kids? Think about it.

Fred Dryden
