If you go
What: Open Days in gardens around the suburbs to benefit The Garden Conservancy, a national organization that preserves gardens
When: May 22 and various dates throughout the summer
Admission: Each garden is $5. Discounted tickets and a book listing all the gardens is available from gardenconservancy.org.
Information: Listings and directions for many gardens are available at gardenconservancy.org. For a complete list, purchase a book from the organization.
Barbara Wetzel’s garden: 20 Braeburn Lane, Barrington Hills. Take Main Street in Barrington west about 5 miles from Barrington Road. Turn north on Meadow Hill Road. At the first stop sign turn left on Spring Creek Road. At the first stop sign turn left on Braeburn Lane. The Wetzel property is the one with the deer fence. There is no parking on the property.