
Rolling Meadows company honored for helping cancer patients

McMaid Home Services, based in Rolling Meadows, has been honored as 2010 “Maid Service of the Year” for donating more than 150 home cleanings for people undergoing cancer treatment.

The award came from Cleaning for a Reason, a national organization dedicated to cleaning homes for cancer patients. McMaid, which works throughout the suburbs, started working with the group in 2007. The contribution comes from the business, with the people who do the cleaning still getting paid for their work.

“I had lost several family members to cancer,” said Kaye Lange, president of the company. “I knew I had to get our company involved in something more than a gift certificate and a coffee mug.”

While Lange and her son, Jeff Lange, who also is her partner in the business, get thank you notes from those they have helped, it’s the folks who actually do the cleaning who get the personal thank yous, she said.

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