
Their biggest worries

The day after the election, we asked the leaders of Elgin, Pingree Grove, Wayne and Campton Hills what keeps them up at night. Here’s what they had to say:

David Kaptain, Elgin: “Other than my dog? I think the issue of getting people involved in their government. ... I think the low turnout really shows that there’s a general apathy.”

Greg Marston, Pingree Grove: “The village finances. Pingree Grove has a bright future and the best is yet to come, but we need to focus on some commercial development so we can drive additional revenue.”

Eileen Phipps, Wayne: “Right now, the economy touches all of us. One blessing is we don’t have any retail in our community. We never truly relied on that. But on the flipside we don’t have anything to fall back on.”

Patsy Smith, Campton Hills: “If the state decides to balance their budget on the backs of municipalities, that would cause some anxiety.”

~Tara García Mathewson

and Harry Hitzeman