
Arts council invites volunteers to March 31 meeting

The St. Charles Arts Council will hold a volunteer meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 31 in the council meeting room at the St. Charles Municipal Center, 2 E. Main St..

The arts council is completely volunteer-run, and needs help in many areas, including: artist and arts business finder; pop up gallery organizer/worker; entertainment coordinator; freelance videographer; administrative assistant; office worker bee; event committee (chair, member, event day helper); art curator; grant writer; and many more.

Besides volunteering to support the organization and the arts, the SCAC also needs lots of volunteer help to run a city-wide, All-Arts Festival – our signature event whose inaugural year will be 2012.

Join them on March 31 – they will tell you more about the Council, and you can tell them more about your interest in the arts, and how you'd like to help.

The St. Charles Arts Council's Vision Statement is:

The Arts will be an Economic Engine for the City of St. Charles, driven by the work and activities of the St. Charles Arts Council and its partner organizations. The SCAC will become the go-to source/resource for information about and assistance with anything arts related. The organization will be financially sound and fiscally prudent, raising funds primarily through fee-based activities, including one major partnership event. Both Operations and an Endowment Fund will be supported with funds raised.

The SCAC is a nonprofit corporation, and volunteering is a great way to learn about the arts and arts business first-hand and make valuable contacts. Volunteering is also a great way to explore your interest in and passion for the arts and/or the city. And all of that will help us achieve our vision for the St. Charles Arts Council and the City of St. Charles.

Send an e-mail to, call (630) 443-3794, or send a request for information to St. Charles Arts Council, 2 E. Main St., St. Charles, IL 60174 to inquire or to get a volunteer profile form.

The St. Charles Arts Council is a registered not-for-profit Illinois corporation whose mission is to create an organization that serves and promotes the arts and cultural activities in St. Charles, to the mutual benefit of the arts and the community.

About the St. Charles Arts Council:

The SCAC will serve all those individuals (professionals, amateurs, and students) who produce tangible, consumable works of the imagination and all organizations, businesses, and groups that include and represent those people. This would be arts and cultural activities in their broadest sense, including graphic, plastic, and decorative arts, architecture, crafts, literature and poetry, music, theater, and dance. The primary long-range goal is the transformation of St. Charles into an arts community/an arts magnet/a nationally-known arts market. Ultimately we foresee a municipal arts center, more working artists and opportunities in arts education, many privately-owned galleries, performance venues, and related arts businesses, and a downtown architecture and streetscape conducive to both the aesthetics and business of art.

About the City of St. Charles:

St. Charles, Illinois, located in both DuPage and Kane County, is 35 miles west of downtown Chicago. Over 2,100 businesses employ over 34,200 people, consisting of a balanced mix of retailers, restaurants, and manufacturing facilities. The City of St. Charles was recently named one of the “150 Great Places in Illinois” for the combined architectural work of the City Municipal Center, the Main Street Bridge, and the historic Hotel Baker.

The city's recently completed 2014 Strategic Plan includes the following Action Plan: Market and promote St. Charles as a friendly, appealing destination, characterized by activities, events, arts, and culture. Capitalize on artistic and cultural resources by supporting local talent and lively venues and activities. Encourage collective civic endeavors to broaden the variety of attractions and events.

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