
Stay the course in Warren Dist. 121

Recently, I attended the Warren Township High School District 121 Board of Education meeting. First of all, I would like to point out that the District has received financial recognition from an independent audit firm for the last three years. The most recent score was 3.9 percent out of a possible 4.0 percent. A thank you should be said to both the administration and the board.

I have heard that there is talk of lack of transparency and accountability by the district and the board, I say I do not see it. The current administration and board have both. Look back six years ago when our district was a mess and finances were in shambles along with the state’s attorney looking into the club accounts, among other things. They have righted the ship over time.

There is also talk that the current teachers contract conversations should be held off till after the April 5 elections. My question is why?

I would ask that as voters, each of you learn the issues and that facts. I for one understand that the most important thing we do is educate our children and I am proud to say each of my children have taken full advantage of what Warren has to offer and they are all doing well.

The teachers, the administration, staff and board have all done a good job and I hope they can count on you and your vote to continue the course they are on.

Mark Stoyas
