
Endorsements: Corbett, Erbeck, Mierisch, for Gilberts trustee

By The Daily Herald Editorial Board

Four capable candidates are running in the race for three seats on the Gilberts village board.

The voters wouldn’t go wrong with any of them, but we endorse Daniel Corbett, Bruce Erbeck and Patricia Mierisch. We think they possess the best perspective to help shepherd Gilberts through challenging economic times on the road to continued progress.

Corbett, a volunteer on several community projects, is a proponent of improved communication. Erbeck, an incumbent, champions park services with a strong understanding of the village’s financial challenges. Mierisch, also an incumbent, offers business expertise through her involvement with the Northern Kane County Chamber of Commerce.

Meanwhile, Louis Hacker, a planning commissioner, also is qualified; we encourage him to continue his service even if he’s not elected.