
Endorsement: Stein for Buffalo Grove trustee

By The Daily Herald Editorial Board

It is difficult to choose between the two candidates running for the unexpired two-year term on the Buffalo Grove village board that was created in November by the recall of controversial trustee Lisa Stone.

Both candidates have experience: Denice Bocek with 11 years on the plan commission and Andrew Stein with six on the zoning board. Both candidates have a genuine interest in the community and both candidates articulate thoughtful views on its future.

We don’t think voters could go wrong with either, but we endorse Andrew Stein because of his broader array of civic involvement and his streak of reasoned independence.

This is a candidate whose resume suggests he’s willing to work hard, knows how to work collaboratively, listens to others and yet can think for himself.

That’s a good formula for an effective trustee and a good formula for Buffalo Grove.