
Connelly, Hull, Reed for Wayne board

Wayne is a place of open spaces, large lots and horse farms. Protecting the town’s tranquil, rural nature has traditionally been a key theme for candidates seeking office there. Now, however, there is one more: the budget.

Wayne went into the economic downturn with reserves, helping to minimize the town’s financial woes. Yes, the board has had to make cuts. It did so by delaying road construction projects and reducing staff hours. It also plans to raise money by implementing a vehicle sticker program — something other towns have relied on for years for added revenue.

Incumbents Peter Connolly, Ed Hull and Robert Reed have many years of village board experience behind them, and they’ve done well by their town. While challenger Scott Coryell might bring fresh blood to the board, there is no reason for voters to change course at a time when board experience is especially valuable. We endorse Connolly, Hull and Reed.