
Endorsement for Arlington Heights village board

Tough economic times have had an impact throughout the suburbs and that includes the village of Arlington Heights.

Like everywhere else, the village government has been required to tighten its belts and the village board has been forced to make difficult choices about where to spend its resources.

More of those hard choices no doubt are on the way.

But through it all, Arlington Heights continues its reputation as one of the jewels of the Northwest suburbs and a community that many neighboring towns use as a model.

It is a community that is well managed and thoughtfully governed.

Five candidates are running for four seats on the village board, and voters are blessed with good choices. There isn't a bad candidate in the group.

Our endorsements go to small business owner Mike Sidor and incumbents Carol Blackwood, Thomas Hayes and John Scaletta.

Sidor ran for the village board two years ago, and we liked him then but he was squeezed out in a numbers game of other fine candidates. While he lost in that first foray, he didn't lose interest. He's been a regular attendee at village board meetings and an active participant on a variety of issues. We are impressed by his thoughtfulness, seriousness of purpose and aggressive listening.

Blackwood is a relatively recent appointee to the village board, where she has acted as an important voice for the local business community. Hayes is a veteran of the village board and one of its strongest and most able members. Scaletta is a common sense trustee with sound judgment and an independent viewpoint.

These four offer Arlington Heights a good mix of perspectives and experience that should help continue to lead the village forward.

A fifth candidate, Plan Commission Chairman Bruce Green, also is well qualified and we encourage him to continue his service to the community.