
Reduced-priced well testing

The Lake County Health Department will offer reduced water testing rates March 7-17 in observance of National Ground Water Awareness Week.

Water samples can be brought to the Lake County Central Permit Facility, 500 W. Winchester Road, Libertyville, between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. weekdays.

The normal $16 analysis fee for bacteria and nitrates will be reduced to $10 for well owners.

Lake County residents can pick up sterile test bottles to be filled and returned for analysis at the Central Permit Facility or can have a kit mailed for an additional $2 postage charge. Staff also is available to collect the sample at the home for a $51 fee, which includes an inspection of the well and the lab analysis.

Call (847) 377- 8020, or send an e-mail to