
Many people rely on health care reform

Please fight to stop the attempts to repeal health care reform. This may be the only option some families have to get necessary coverage for their children.

I am one of the lucky people who, so far, belong to a good insurance plan that mostly covers my autistic son’s expense.

When I am sitting in the waiting room at therapy, I realize that there are so many people who are not as lucky.

They have to fight for the little coverage that they get for their children, or, they have to forgo coverage altogether and pay out of pocket. Sometimes, they even have to forgo therapy.

I think this is shameful on the part of you insurance companies. Children should come first. You play god and decide whether to cover claims (or not) for a child’s necessary medical expenses. For some children, this affects their quality of life.

I see it every week when I sit in that waiting room.

It makes me sad because I feel ineffectual. I cannot see a way to make it better for them, other than having an alternate source of insurance for those families to rely on.

Maybe the GOP should come and spend hours sitting in these waiting rooms and see just who they are denying coverage for.

Janice Pasupathy

Long Grove