
Jobs will be scarce if borders stay open

There’s been a lot of talk lately about creating new jobs to reduce unemployment. It seems to me that our revered politicians are missing one point. Our borders with almost all other countries are wide open. So when many decent, middle-class jobs are created, they are often filled by illegal immigrants (sorry, I meant to say, “undocumented workers”).

One obvious problem of course is our border with Mexico, but people from many other countries also are here taking good jobs. Have you had a window replaced in your house, or gotten a new roof, or called a painter, or had your grass mowed, or noticed who is doing elder care? These are just a few examples of jobs where so many of the workers do not speak English, and you can’t help but wonder if the workers are here legally.

If most of the jobs that are created are taken by illegal immigrants, unemployment will never get better. Politicians will say that illegals are just doing stoop labor picking vegetables and doing jobs Americans are too lazy to do. They say that because they think you are stupid.

Unemployment will never go down, nor wages rise, until illegal immigration is stopped. The cost of labor, or wages, are subject to the common laws of supply and demand.

It’s funny how often it’s the same guy who complains about wages going down, while also working to leave the borders open to try to gain votes from those who benefit from the open borders. I guess we can just rack it up to one more proof as to the total incompetence of the federal government, but we already knew that, didn’t we?

Bill Hartman
