
Abortion argument a slippery slope

I was appalled by the letter from J.K. Cardwell in the Jan. 30 paper. To compare the fact of 20 million abortions since the Roe v. Wade decision to thoughtless rhetoric is astonishing. The writer suggests that abortion is a good way to cull excess population from our midst. Without any factual input the writer also claims a correlation of cancer to overpopulation.

I wonder how many scientists, engineers, philosophers, doctors and entrepreneurs ceased to exist because our society upholds this frightful and merciless act called abortion.

If, as the writer claims, abortion is used to control population, why stop there? Why don’t we kill the elderly, the disabled, those with a low IQ or certain ethnic groups we don’t agree with. The slippery slope could lead us in many directions.

Once we as a civilization lose our respect for the individual life there is no longer any reason to stop killing anyone.

The outcry of overpopulation has been a scare tactic for certain individuals for many years. The genius of mankind has been to invent, innovate and discover new ways to increase and recycle our food and water supply.

The writer’s opposition to a faith-based newspaper ad and anti-religious remarks leaves me wondering if his prejudice against religion hasn’t colored his judgment and opinion.

Ellen Butler
