
Look ahead to more of the same

Many Illinois politicians blame the $15 billion shortfall on the current economy. The lack of courage and wisdom in too many legislators of both parties by not cutting spending is a key problem. Another problem is our underfunded pension funds, which come to a 46 percent liability total of $54.4 billion. Only Kansas, at 59 percent, and Oklahoma and Rhode Island, at 60 percent, come anywhere close.

The promises made to such a growing work force seems to have a purpose as a patronage army come election time. Apparently the electorate in Illinois did not realize that being a dark blue state in the governor’s office and both legislative bodies will continue our problems for at least another 10 years as Democrats get to draw up legislative districts in their favor.

For business to grow in Illinois and thus create jobs, fiscal discipline within the state and nation is needed. Regulatory restraint and low taxes are also needed to contribute to economic growth. Voters who helped create this mess gave us a self-inflicted wound which will continue to bleed much pain.

Ken Anderson

Elk Grove Village