
Impatience won't get you there faster

Much of the Fence Post writings seem to be getting too intense; so on the lighter side, would someone write in and explain the following behavior to me? Time and again (as I'm waiting in my car at a traffic light) I see a driver at the front of the line constantly creep up farther and farther over the pedestrian walkway white line. Apparently, this individual is very upset over his (or her) being inconvenienced by having to actually share our roadways with other folks.

Very often these intense drivers are piloting cars with two or more exhaust pipes (implies large powerful engine) with radar detectors on the dashboard.

I wonder if this type of driving reflects the personality of someone who is in a command authority position at his workplace, and accustomed to instant gratification of his every whim and desire?

In any case, I suggest these people pause, take a deep breath, and quietly ponder on the odds of their being able to intimidate an inane electronic traffic signal on a timer of a precise, preprogrammed length.

Jim Peterson

Hoffman Estates