
Your health: Wine allergies

Vino allergy?

Does a nice Bordeaux leave with you with a headache, stuffy nose, skin rash or other miserable ailment? While allergies to sulfites are well-documented, scientists have only just now identified what else in wine triggers allergies. For 8 percent of people worldwide, a glass of wine can produce a range of allergy symptoms and allergies to sulfites only accounts for 1 percent. Scientists now believe the mysterious culprit is glycoproteins, or proteins coated with sugars produced naturally as grapes ferment. Researchers in Denmark hope their discovery could help winemakers in developing the first low-allergenic vintages reds and whites with less potential to trigger allergy symptoms.

Jane Fonda is back

Actress and 1980s fitness pioneer Jane Fonda is releasing two new fitness DVDs providing low-impact workouts for baby boomers. Produced by Lionsgate, her first fitness titles since 1995 include “Jane Fonda: Prime Time Walkout” and “Jane Fonda: Prime Time Fit & Strong.” Both are due out Tuesday, Nov. 30, in North America. Since 1982, Fonda, now 72, has released more than 20 top-selling fitness videos; her first video release sold more than 17 million copies and is to date the highest-selling fitness video of all time, according to Relaxnews. For more info, see

World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day, which is Wednesday, Dec. 1, draws together people from around the globe “to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS and demonstrate international solidarity in the face of the pandemic.” There are now 33.4 million people living with HIV, according to 2008 figures released by the World Health Organization. An estimated 2.7 million people were newly infected with the virus and 2 million died of AIDS that same year. To see a calendar of events, download posters and find out how to get involved, visit:

Disability day

According to the World Health Organization, around 10 percent of the world's population, or 650 million people, live with disabilities. Friday, Dec. 3, is International Day of Persons with Disabilities day. The day aims to “promote an understanding of disability issues and mobilize support for the dignity, rights and well-being of persons with disabilities,” WHO states. Global events are planned to include forums, public discussions and celebrations. Learn more at