
Stressed out? Here's 10 signs there's a little too much pressure in your life

Occasional stress is a fact of life, but suffering chronic stress can wreak havoc on your health.

Stress can manifest in unexpected ways, from nightmares to teeth gnashing. If you experience any of these 10 signs, it's a good idea to take stock of your stress levels and focus on unwinding before stress takes a toll on your body and mind.

Prevention magazine published the top 10 stress signs to watch out for.

1. Weekend headaches a sudden drop in stress can prompt migraines, said Dr. Todd Schwedt, director of the Washington University Headache Center.

2. Terrible period cramps stressed-out women are twice as likely to experience painful cramps as those who are less stressed, a Harvard study found.

3. Sore jaw an achy mouth or jaw can be a sign of teeth grinding, which usually occurs during sleep and can be worsened by stress.

4. Odd dreams when you're stressed, you wake up more often, disrupting the sleep process and allowing bad dreams to recur throughout the night.

5. Bleeding gums according to a Brazilian analysis of past studies, stressed-out people have a higher risk of periodontal disease.

6. Sudden acne stress increases the inflammation that leads to breakouts, according to Dr. Gil Yosipovitch, a clinical professor of dermatology at Wake Forest University.

7. A sweet tooth stress can trigger sugar cravings, especially in women, researchers say.

8. Itchy skin a recent Japanese study of more than 2,000 people found that those with chronic itchy skin were twice as likely to be tense as those without the condition.

9. Allergies stress hormones may stimulate the production of IgE, a blood protein that causes allergic reactions, research suggests.

10. Stomach aches anxiety and stress can cause stomachaches, along with headaches, backaches and insomnia.