
Pingree Grove approves downtown plan

Pingree Grove leaders have passed a comprehensive plan for the village's Heritage District that both embraces its agricultural roots and plans for an expansion south of Route 20.

The village spent roughly $50,000 on the Heritage District Master Plan that represents an amalgam of ideas from the community and local leaders shared during a week long series of discussion held earlier this year.

Pingree Grove is also working with Elgin to develop retail opportunities on the land south of Route 20 that would become available after a portion of the highway is relocated.

The land sits within the Elgin city limits.

Pingree Grove leaders want to ensure the village, Shodeen and Elgin all benefit financially from the realignment and hope to hold discussions on how to do just that.

“For me, this is a big step for Pingree Grove,” said Village President Wyman “Clint” Carey. “We really wanted to make sure our neighbors were involved.”

That land is now slated for the Pingree Creek subdivision that Shodeen will develop, said Sarosh Saher, a senior planner in Elgin.

Saher's role was to make sure Pingree Grove knew about the plan. He said he is delighted Pingree Grove reached out to include Elgin in its discussions.

“We believe they are an important neighbor to Elgin, as all are,” Saher said. “We would be most happy to participate in their planning process and providing them with comments, when asked.”

The plan's other main prong involves remaining true to Pingree Grove's agricultural history.

Part of the plan details using an existing farm for educational and practical purposes that include growing vegetables there that would be available to the community.

Pingree Grove also would set some property aside for community gardens in the neighborhoods.

The village adopted the plan last week; you can view it in its entirety by visiting

Scroll down and click on the link at the bottom of the screen on the right side that says “client ftp.”

When you reach the login page, type Pingree as the user name and Grove as the password.

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