
Lake Barrington misinterpreting survey results

The Village of Lake Barrington is a fantastic community, whose residents historically support ballot initiatives for open space. In 2007, residents supported a referendum for the Village to issues bonds for open land acquisition. Recently, residents were sent a survey of their support for one of the following:

• Continue to dedicate all of the remaining Open Space bond funds to the purchase of additional land for open space. This approach reflects both the ongoing importance of open space to Lake Barrington's countryside character and the community's original 2007 commitment to the Open Space initiative.

• Reprogram Open Space bond funds as needed over the next couple of years to finance capital projects within the community.

• Borrow funds from the Open Space bond fund account to finance capital projects within the community over the next several years.

The results: 38.5 percent support "continue", 38.4 percent "reprogram" and 23.1 percent "borrow". These results show an impressive 61.5 percent continue to support the open space initiative.

The village, however, interprets the results as 61.4 percent voted to finance capital projects, thus have decided to "Reprogram" 38.4 percent of the funds! It is important to cordially make sure the village knows they should not "Reprogram" funds.

While you are at it, please make sure the village knows how likely you will be to support future referendums if in the end you cannot trust the funds will be used as presented, voted on and passed in an election. Let them know elections results are not to be "Reprogrammed".

Michael Oberholtzer

Lake Barrington

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