
Local victim remembered during Naperville 9/11 service

The memory of U.S. Navy Cmdr. Dan Shanower, a Naperville native who died in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, burned bright on Saturday during his hometown's memorial service marking the ninth anniversary of the tragedy.

Shanower's parents, Pat and Don, attended the service with other relatives and participated in a special wreath-laying in remembrance of their son and the other victims of the attacks.

Afterward, Don Shanower said the service was "inspiring." Pat Shanower thanked the community for its support and remembrance.

"I'm so grateful that the community of Naperville continues to honor my son and all those who died on Sept. 11," Pat Shanower said. "(My son) loved the Navy. He was very patriotic, and he was proud to be there that day."

Dan Shanower was a Navy intelligence officer, and he was stationed at the Pentagon when American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the building on the day of the attacks.

Saturday's service, which was held inside the municipal center because of rainy weather, began with music from the Naperville Municipal Band. Mayor George Pradel then made some introductory remarks.

"It's important that we come together on this day and remember that we are a free nation, but freedom isn't free," Pradel said.

Retired Naperville firefighter Chuck Wehrli talked about his unique experiences during the aftermath of the attacks. Wehrli spent 10 days at ground zero in New York as part of a special team that searched underground parking areas for survivors. The team didn't find any living survivors, but everyone felt honored to be contributing to the larger rescue effort, Wehrli said.

Since the attacks, Wehrli has talked about his experiences regularly at local schools. He said only about half of local students today have visited the Sept. 11 memorial that sits behind the municipal center - and is dedicated to Dan Shanower.

"I ask you teachers, parents, grandparents: bring your kids to the memorial so that Sept. 11 is not forgotten," he said.

The crowd that filled the city council room observed two moments of silence during the service to recognize the moments when the two World Trade Center towers collapsed nine years ago. The crowd also watched a slide-show presentation about Sept. 11; the familiar images of the towers in flames and people covered with ash brought many in the room to tears.

Naperville Fire Chief Mark Puknaitis said that public safety agencies in Naperville and throughout Illinois are ready to respond if anything like the Sept. 11 attacks happens in the future.

"Our dedication and devotion to what we do will make a difference," he said.

Naperville resident Gene Sullivan attended Saturday's memorial service with his 13-year-old son, Jeff, a boy scout with local Troop 111.

"We can't ever let ourselves forget," Gene Sullivan said.

The memorial service was sponsored by the Exchange Club of Naperville.

Don and Pat Shanower of Naperville address the crowd Saturday during Naperville's Sept. 11 ceremony. Their son, U.S. Navy Cmdr. Dan Shanower, was killed in the attacks on the World Trade Center. Paul Michna | Staff Photographer

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