
Ride for 'Jerry the Plumber' nets $1,275 for pantry

A pack of motorcycles rode in support of fellow biker Gerald Krzeszewski's favorite charity last month, and presented a donation collected from the "Jerry the Plumber" memorial bike run on Monday.

The memorial ride, which was organized by Choppers Bar and Grill in Antioch, brought together about 75 bikers who were able to raise $1,275 for the local food pantry.

Krzeszewski died in a motorcycle accident in May of 2009, and the bar wanted to plan the event in honor of his generosity in the community.

"Jerry was so giving and loved to help others and really believed in giving to local food pantries," said Sharon Arimas, manager of the bar, adding that the donation is something that Jerry would have liked to do himself.

Pete Hall, fundraising coordinator at the Open Arms Mission, said that a donation of this size only comes in once or twice a year.

"It is a very big deal," Hall said. "We can provide 11 pounds of food for every dollar donated."

This this donation, the pantry will be able to provide 14,025 pounds of food for those in need.

The Open Arms Mission is a food pantry among other services that has been in existence for 10 years under the motto "people helping people."

The event also raised $520 for the Antioch Moose Lodge, of which Krzeszewski was a member.

"We would like to thank (Choppers Bar and Grill) for their effort for what they did for us," Hall said.