
Lindenhurst parks to survey residents for future projects

The Lindenhurst Park District will soon mail out 400 surveys to gain a better understanding of community needs before considering possible expansion projects.

Responses from the survey, which will take 12 to 15 minutes to complete, will be considered before the district prepares a new five-year master plan for parks, recreation and open space.

The survey will be used to determine which programs are most important to the community.

It asks respondents to rate how well their needs are met on several programs, such as youth sports, cooking and adult art classes, community special events and martial arts programs. It also asks respondents to rank the four programs most important to them, in order to fine tune future schedules.

However, a major portion of the survey focuses on usage and satisfaction with the Lindenhurst Community Center.

"If there is an expansion of the community center, we want to make sure whatever we build they will come," said park district director Tom Lippert.

The district plans to pay for any future community center construction through program fees and facility rentals.

The district is considering locker room facilities and a larger multipurpose room with a full kitchen in phase III of the community center plan. The survey will help make sure the expansions are still wanted by the community.

The district would like to begin construction before the end of the year to take advantage of federally funded "Build America Bonds", which were included in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. If the bonds are used, the U.S. Treasury would subsidize 35 percent of the interest rates the district would pay.

"We would like to get the ball rolling this year to take advantage of the federal funds and the economy," Lippert said. "Construction companies and architectural firms say now is the time to do it."

The company conducting the survey will do follow-up phone interviews with those participating to ensure all demographics of the community are represented.

"We want people to be totally aware that if they are chosen, any input is totally appreciated," Lippert said.

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