
It's about business, not about socialism

I've grown tired of the diatribe about socialism, big government and free markets. Those who blog about these things do so on the Internet built by DARPA, using computers built on technology from the space program. They watch so-called "tea party" conventions on TV courtesy of NASA satellites. They go to rallies on roads built and maintained by local, state, and federal governments, guided by GPS satellite technology courtesy of our military.

I could go on about the currency and monetary system, electricity and energy, railroads, police and fire, schools, Medicare, Social Security, bail out of your pension fund, bank, and maybe your company, but you get the idea.

This country is built on the foundation of a working relationship between private enterprise and good government that lays down rules for business, health and safety, and builds the infrastructure necessary for society and economic development.

As a company owner, the new health care and jobs bills will empower me to hire more people and buy new computers and equipment this year to expand my business. As a sitting Mayor, the stimulus money helps us manage our infrastructure and keeps police on the beat.

It's time we begin working together and cooperatively developing solutions. The next time you feel the urge to squeeze the trigger on a bullhorn or hide behind an anonymous ID on a blog, know the difference between MFT and ZBA and how these relate to the DOW so we can work together to create another JOB.

Robert G. Abboud

President, RGA Labs, Inc.

Mayor, Barrington Hills

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