
New Arlington Hts. trustee picked; announcement Monday

The new Arlington Heights trustee will be announced and possibly sworn in Monday night at the village board meeting.

Mayor Arlene Mulder will appoint the new trustee, the replacement for Helen Jensen, who retired at the end of last year.

The appointment needs the approval of the village board.

Mulder said Friday she would not yet announce the name because she needed to double check with individual board members to be sure they concurred with the appointment. She also had to notify at least one candidate that he or she had not been selected.

The candidate is one of the approximately 12 people who applied for the position, said Mulder. She added the person is well known but does not currently hold elective office.

The appointee is a business person who has lived in the village a considerable length of time and is engaged in the community, said Mulder.

The appointment will be good until the next available consolidated local election, which will be April 2011, when that seat will be up for election.