
Del Mar optimistic Palatine Twp. race

>With two precincts left to be counted at press time, the Palatine Township Republican committeeman race was too close to call.

But 31-year-old freshman Palatine Councilman Aaron Del Mar, who held a slight edge over two-term incumbent Gary Skoien, thought he was in a good spot.

"We're not taking anything for granted, but (Skoien's) numbers would have to be significant," Del Mar said around midnight. With

78 of 80 precincts reporting, Del Mar received 4,457 votes, or 50.61 percent, compared to Skoien's 4,349 votes, or 49.39 percent, unofficial totals showed.

Del Mar estimated Skoien would have to secure 75 percent of the unreported votes in order to win. The two candidates fought a contentious race that largely focused on each other's character.

Skoien held a large cash advantage throughout the race and enjoyed support from the township's establishment, but had to defend himself against mailers sent by a Del Mar supporter highlighting a March domestic dispute involving his wife.

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<li><a href="/news/politics/elections/2010/primary/race/?id=165">More on Palatine Twp. committeeman races </a></li>





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