
And, he has more kids, too

For a couple weeks now people have been sending letters about Chris Nybo. His fans applaud him because he's a dad, because he "understands" and because he volunteers. Come on people, haven't we had enough of politicians offering us this soft garbage?

So far, I've only heard one candidate in the 41st District state representative race saying the things we care about. Our state is a disaster. Our economy is a mess.

Rafael Rivadeneira (who has more kids than his opponents, if that matters so much) is the only one out there talking about issues, suggesting specific ways we can cut the budget, save our taxes and bring jobs back to Illinois.

I'm voting for him because he's bold enough to say the things we all think and most politicians are too afraid to say. If we want to save this state, we need a true conservative who isn't afraid to take on Republicans and Democrats. He's shown us he's not afraid to do that in this race - and he can do it in Springfield.

Rachel Klooster
