
Hamos backs what's right, gets results

My reasons for supporting Julie Hamos for Congress come straight from personal experience. I am the mother of a son with a disability.

About eight years ago, I met Julie at a coffee held at a friend's home, although at the time Julie was not my State Representative. Hearing her speak about her childhood flight from Communist Hungary, her work as a young lawyer/advocate for battered women, and her thoughtful views on legislation left me impressed.

About two weeks later, I was asked by a disabilities-parents organization to contact state legislators about an upcoming budget vote. I faxed letters to 18 officials, including Julie. Five days had passed when my phone rang. It was Julie Hamos calling from Springfield to let me know how the vote had gone.

I was stunned: I wasn't even in her district but she took the time to call. I walked around for days telling everybody, "Omigod, democracy works!"

Since then I've worked with Julie on issues and have campaigned for her.

I continue to be impressed with how she handles herself, taking on challenges and getting results. Julie Hamos is enormously intelligent, truly dedicated, and highly effective. Her extensive experience makes her the standout candidate in the upcoming Democratic primary. Having more people in Congress as smart and responsive as Julie Hamos is something our country needs.

Sally Graver
