
GOP guv candidates a disappointment

How disappointing that our GOP candidates for governor refuse to admit that pollution from human activities is an environmental concern. Even if they want to dispute the fact that leading scientists from around the world have found global warning to be caused by human activity, how can one dispute the fact that pollution is a health concern?

If you refuse to believe that pollution is not a problem, just open your front door on a hot day and look outside. Do you not see the haze? Remember days from summers past where it was considered a health hazard to be outside because of poor air quality? How many people do you know with asthma? Did you know smog triggers an estimated 6 million asthma attacks per year?

The GOP candidates for governor say a green economy is too expensive, let's keep polluting and not change a thing. Think about the medical costs associated with 6 million asthma attacks per year. How can we afford not to change into a green economy?

I am truly astounded by the GOP's response to the major issue of pollution. I was finally hoping to have a strong, thoughtful GOP candidate for governor. Looks like that's not going to happen. I suggest anyone who wants to educate himself on the issues of pollution check out, a not-for-profit organization site with many interesting facts.

Bob Schillerstrom, I especially suggest this to you, since you have the audacity to say that global warming is bad science: What qualifications do you have to make such a harmful statement? The power companies must have some strong lobbyists.

Chris Frantzen


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