
Geneva real estate agent to challenge state Rep. Kay Hatcher

A Geneva real estate agent has announced his intention to challenge State Rep. Kay Hatcher in the race for the 50th District next spring.

Republican Bob McQuillan, a 52-year-old political newcomer, said Monday that he has become so dissatisfied with state government he has decided "enough is enough."

"With the governor being indicted and his wife going on reality TV and the state not being able to get a budget passed on deadline, it has shown me the state really is in bad shape and needs some work," McQuillan said. "I think it's time to rock the boat and see what happens." McQuillan moved to the Fox Valley in 1997 and is co-founder of the citizens group For Accountable Controlled Tax Spending, which focuses on public school finances. He currently is an independent real estate agent with a background in management and marketing.

The candidate opposes abortion and supports property tax reform, including a plan that would eliminate school taxes for homeowners ages 62 and older.

"I think in the next four to eight years I can make a difference, and am going to take a shot at it," he said. "I want change to happen, but I can't expect other people to step up and do it."

Hatcher, a fellow Republican, is a first-year legislator with an extensive political background that includes positions on the Oswego school board, the Kendall County Board and the Kendall County Forest Preserve District board. She welcomed McQuillan's competition but said she hopes to continue her work in the district.

"My whole goal going forward is to continue to help the economic development of the 50th District, to help people find jobs," said Hatcher, who was named Legislator of the Year this year by the Metro West Council of Governments. "We have really started to turn a corner in this state from an ethical point of view, from a campaign-finance point of view. I think that's really important, and that's what we have to keep working on."

The primary is Feb. 2, 2010. The 50th District includes parts of Kane, Kendall and LaSalle counties.

Bob McQuillan
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