
Kane Co. courthouse death leads to procedural review

A 20-year-old Yorkville man who died Wednesday at the Kane County courthouse in St. Charles committed suicide by hanging himself with a belt, police said.

Matthew Brockman was found dead in a holding cell moments after he was sentenced to a two-year prison term for an aggravated battery conviction.

On Thursday, police said Brockman's preliminary cause of death was suicide by hanging. Authorities are investigating whether custody protocols were followed and whether the death could have been prevented.

"Did our people do everything they were supposed to do? Should we have done something different?" Sheriff's Lt. Pat Gengler said. "Our detectives are still out doing interviews, talking to family members and friends ... to get an idea why he would do this. Two years to a 20-year-old is probably an eternity."

Aurora police said Brockman was charged with aggravated battery after beating a 27-year-old Sandwich man about 2 a.m. June 11, 2008, in an apartment complex parking lot on the 1900 block of Lilac Lane. The altercation happened as the men, who were friends, argued over leaving a party.

"Apparently, Brockman wanted to stay at the party; his friend wanted to go home," Aurora Police Public Information Officer Dan Ferrelli said.

According to court records, Brockman punched the man, knocking him to the pavement, where he hit his head and lost consciousness.

"Brockman then hit the victim two more times in the face," breaking his jaw, nose and teeth, Ferrelli said.

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