
Ela library builds 'barn' with old books

Library patrons may be accustomed to being surrounded by books, but books do not usually make up the roof above their heads, or the walls around them for that matter.

The Ela Area Public Library in Lake Zurich found a creative way to reuse some discarded children's books, using them, along with some wood, to build a book barn for children to read in.

The barn is big enough for a child to comfortably sit inside and read. It's located in the children's area of the library. About 600 children's books were used to build the barn.

"We weed books on an ongoing basis to make room for new books and (discarded books) usually go into the book sale," said Mary Beth Campe, the library's executive director.

A children's librarian saw a similar structure in another library featured in a library publication and thought it would be a good way to use discarded materials.

The books face outward, so a variety of colors and characters adorn the exterior of the barn. The roof is made entirely of picture books.

"Children's books tend to be very beautifully illustrated, so that looks nice," Campe said.

The barn was built by Lake Zurich Rotary Club President, Rich Politowicz and his construction team.

Politowicz owns the construction company Professional Home Services, which designed and built the barn. It has a wood structure and incorporates the books on the outside walls and roof.

"We even cut those to fit too, because you know books are a variety of sizes," he said.

Campe said this is the first time the library has built something out of used books.

Politowicz said the Rotary Club donated supplies and time needed to build the barn as a service to the community. The club is working on a variety of projects, including a fire safety program and partnering on a communitywide blood drive.

"You've got to give back to the community is my philosophy, I wouldn't be in business without the community," he said.

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